Meet the snakehead fish that can live out of the water

Imagine you are walking around and find a fish crossing the street. Putting it this way, it seems an unlikely event; but it is completely possible, thanks to the existence of the snakehead fish ( Channa argus ). He gets this unusual name because of his flat head - which is by far not his most striking feature.

This creature is originally from China, Korea and Russia, and can measure more than 80 centimeters in length. In the early 2000s, specimens of the species were found in the United States and surprised the population with their voracious appetite and, amazingly, their ability to survive out of the water for days.

The species is an example of resistance: for the sake of their survival, fish can travel short distances, sliding through the streets and making small jumps. For example, a snakehead may travel to find another location or a watercourse with more food - such as other fish, frogs and even small lizards.

“If you find any, kill ...”

(Source: BBC / Playback)

This is what instructed the Georgian Department of Natural Resources to the population. This US state, as well as 15 others, was alerted by the presence of this predator in the wild. As soon as the first fish appeared in Georgia, the warning was passed on to the population: "If you believe you have caught a snakehead fish, do not release it. Kill it immediately and freeze it."

Following instructions, the Department further recommends that photographs be taken of the fish, "including detail images of the mouth, fin and tail, " to check if it is of the species. Under no circumstances should people drop them in water - or on land in that case. The authorities intend to collect specimens and study them to map their spread in the country and try to control their high reproductive rates.

Why so much fanfare?

A fish that lives out of the water for days and moves even on land becomes reason enough to generate a national frenzy. However, this is not the only reason why fifteen US states issued population alerts.

(Source: Visualhunt / Reproduction)

This species has a huge appetite, reproduce easily and quickly, and are masters of survival. The three characteristics combined make this fish severely affect the supply of food to other animals as it eats from plankton to other fish. So that the fauna of these states does not suffer an imbalance, it is necessary to catch some fish so that researchers can know their behavior and develop ways to deal with it.