Running outdoors or on the treadmill?

Do you who have run or walk as your favorite physical activity like to do it on the treadmill or outdoors? Many people think that caloric expenditure is the same and that the only factor that really changes is the landscape. However, there are some differences between running on the street (or in the park) and running on the treadmill, such as burning calories, conditioning, exertion and even injuries.

It is known that the impact of the activity done on the treadmill is on average 10% lower than on the street and, because of this, outdoor exercise comes out front when it comes to turbocharging caloric expenditure, as it requires more effort. . On the other hand, this impact is also responsible for a higher number of injuries compared to those using the treadmill. Both modalities have advantages and disadvantages. Evaluate which one best fits your routine and goals.


If you already do some other activity and already have the necessary clothes and sneakers, great! If not, seek the guidance of a physical therapist to find out which tennis is best suited for your type of footsteps; This makes a big difference in outdoor performance and comfort.

In addition, a specialist can set up a specific workout to get you running safely, teach you how to measure your heart rate, and indicate stretches that are very important before and after exercise.

Performing the activity in a wooded park with a proper track is super hot. Always prefer places like this or bike paths if you want to run outdoors.

Running on the street, competing for space with cars, can be very dangerous, besides the possibility of suffering from pollution. If you have no choice, you should pay attention to urban activities: be aware of pedestrian signs and do not use headphones, as your perception of traffic must be sharpened to prevent accidents.

Today there are racing groups that meet in the parks. They can make the moment of exercise even more enjoyable and stimulating. There is a team motivation that brings team members together to achieve goals and even participate in marathons.

The outdoor race offers varying paths and offers different types and inclines of terrain: uphill tracks, curves, deviations from possible holes, etc. Thus, besides not getting sick of the scenario and demanding more muscle, the caloric expenditure is higher than the exercise performed on the treadmill, reaching an average of up to 600 calories in one hour of activity.

However, soil irregularities that increase caloric burn may offer the biggest disadvantage of outdoor exercise: an increased risk of injury. The chances of tripping, stepping and twisting are much higher than on the treadmill, where the speed is more controlled and the surface is always the same.

Another villain of open space racing is time. If the sun is very strong and the temperature is high, the yield drops sharply. The most suitable on hot days, is to run well in the morning or when the sun is setting, when the weather is more pleasant. When the cold is very intense, it also interferes with the activity.

Treadmill Activity

Have you been at the gym for a while, like the environment and don't mind working out always looking at the same gadgets, TV and people? So you will have no trouble doing treadmill activity, as this is one of the biggest disadvantages of running on the treadmill: the monotony of always being in the same place. But there are those who really like the climate of the gym and do not exchange it for any park.

On the treadmill, the impact on the joints is much lower than when running outdoors since about 10% of body weight is absorbed, making the activity smoother. In addition, the treadmill is a good option for those who are starting the activity because the machine is easier to control the pace, the caloric expenditure and the distance traveled. But that doesn't mean you can climb on the treadmill without supervision and run away. Always ask the advice of a professional to help you, especially if you have been standing for a long time.

Generally, at the beginning, interspersed walking with a few minutes of light jogging or trotting is indicated. Then the intensity increases as your cardiorespiratory capacity.

But what about caloric expenditure? The amount burned in one hour of treadmill activity is 500 calories, 100 less than outdoors. Running on the treadmill may be considered monotonous, but it is still the safest option for injury, cardiovascular monitoring and weather variations.

Therefore, treadmill or outdoor activities have pros and cons that, depending on the streets, gyms or parks in your city, can best fit your daily life. Or you can combine both if you want: running on the treadmill and enjoying a day of exercise in the park. It's well-being to the extent!