Criminal tries to escape from police and ends up “arrested” by quicksand

Not always, but every now and then the universe conspires and Mother Nature lends a helping hand to humans. In this case, she gave help to the Florida police - when she was following a delinquent from Pasco County.

Righteous nature

According to the staff of the El País news portal, the man was suspected of theft and, after realizing he was being chased by the police, decided to flee at high speed with a vehicle down a local road. However, the delinquent chose the route badly, because, according to the report, the guy went through a swampy region known for containing areas of quicksand.

At some point, the offender must have realized that he could not escape with the car and decided to leave the vehicle and walk. And that's when Mother Nature decided to intervene! The images you will see below - shared by El País on their YouTube channel - were recorded by the camera strapped to the uniform of one of the police officers who participated in the chase. Check out:

As you just saw in the video above, the officers found the criminal stuck up to his neck in quicksand - and from what you can hear from the conversations between delinquent and police, the guy was pretty scared about the situation, which must have contributed to his body burying itself so much.

See more cases of bumbling criminals:

  • Man arrested for robbery: “I searched Google for how to rob a bank”
  • 5 clumsy thieves who should star in comedy movies
  • Electrified Bicycle Fucks Pranks Thieves

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