Curling that nothing! Chainsaw ice skating is new winter star

It is practically impossible to resist: it is enough for someone to watch a day of Winter Olympics competitions to fall in love with those sports that require considerable cold to take place. Although curling has been the darling of the public and especially of the internet in recent years, it seems that the sport of the kettle has gained an opponent of its own. Creative, Erik Sunnerheim proved that it only takes a few tools and a hint of a lack of love for life to turn ice skating into something radical.

To explain the genius of Swedish breeding, one must compare it to other practices deemed dangerous - by mothers. Let's say that “hand play” or “little fight” is enough for sweet women to transform and threaten their children with the clog to stop the fight. Running around the house with scissors or a knife in your hand often yields a cry of despair that can crack crystal glasses. What about a boy skating with a chainsaw in his hand? Can you prepare for dear mom's funeral.

A lot of people who start skating can't get a good boost in the footsteps and wonder if it would be impossible to have a little motor on their skates, to go out and spin freely on the ice. Throwing safety into the corner, Sunnerheim's idea seems to have been something like this, but using a tool not recommended for gaining propulsion, cutting the ice and thus throwing forward - apparently at a good speed.

If you can forget for a moment all that can go wrong in such a joke, it is undeniable that the endeavor seems to be quite fun, practically embodying the “clueless” spirit of many young people. Of course, as responsible adults, it is our duty to suggest that our dear readers do not attempt this prank at home - assuming you would get this bit of ice - to prevent phrases like “Look, Mom, no hands!” From becoming fatally more literal.

Via TecMundo