Find out how long illicit drugs stay in your body

Toxicological tests are usually requested for athletes, court officials and people who need to prove for some reason that they do not use drugs. These tests have the power to belie a testimony simply because many drugs can be diagnosed through a person's urine, hair, and blood.

As long as the effect of the drug has passed, the human body takes much longer to get rid of the substances that have been ingested. Absorption of drugs into the bloodstream can occur through the lungs, the digestive tract and also through the use of syringes.

To get rid of what's inside, the body needs to go through cleansing processes, so traces of the ingested drug are eliminated through feces, pee and sweat. What makes this process slow is the fact that these molecules need to be metabolized and water soluble.


It is the poor liver guy who deals with this sector because it contains important enzymes to facilitate the process. Once metabolism occurs, the nonpolar molecules of the drug, which are those that do not dissolve in water, eventually become negative and ionized, leaving the liver alone.

Once these substances have finally been diluted with water, they return to the bloodstream and go to the kidneys, which filter the blood and throw the bad stuff into the urine, which is why it is possible to find out by urine tests. and blood, if a person used drugs - only this whole process can take a while.

What happens is that some drugs go through this process faster than others, and this variation has to do with her type of action in her body and her concentration as well.

In numbers

Marijuana, for example, can be detected within 30 days by urine, up to 90 days by hair, and within two weeks by blood. Cocaine can be present for up to four days in urine, 90 days in hair and up to two days in blood. Heroin stays up to four days in the urine, 90 days in the hair and 12 hours in the blood.

LSD stays up to three days in the urine, up to three days in the hair and less than five hours in the blood. MDMA stays in the pee for up to four days, 90 days in the head and up to two days in the blood. Methamphetamine is detectable within six days by urine, 90 days by hair and three days by blood.

This data, of course, is an average. Time varies from person to person as we have different metabolisms. He has a very smart guy who believes that drinking plenty of water helps to speed up this process, but the truth is that tests measure blood hydration and can be accurate nonetheless.

These toxicology tests are still controversial, however - in the case of marijuana, for example, research has suggested that a non-smoker may have a positive test if his hair is analyzed after being in an environment with smokers.