Day Out of Time: Discover the mystical value of May 25 for the Mayans

The Mayans formed a pre-Columbian civilization that inhabited the Central American region from the year 1000 BC until the arrival of the Spanish settlers, reaching its peak during the classical period (250 AD to 900 AD). Many of your teachings endure to this day, and your calendar is one of the most famous and complete ever made - will you say you never heard about the end of the world prophecies that would happen in 2012?

Today, July 25, is one of the most important dates on this calendar: the Day Out of Time. The annual calendar of this civilization counted 13 lunar cycles of 28 days, totaling 364 days. In addition to these, there was Day Out of Time, a kind of New Year's Eve today, in which the Mayans used to recharge their energies.

According to this people, it is on this date that the human being would have the greatest possible connection with the Life-giving Essence, that is, the gods responsible for creating the entire universe. The Day Out of Time served to give people thanks for the events of the past year, both good and bad, after all, have a great importance in our learning and our evolution.

Mayans used the Day Out of Time to renew their energy

For the Maya, time has no linearity as we are used to today. In fact, it would be multidimensional, so possessing the skills to connect with these cosmic time is for the few, and today is precisely to make these connections. It is a day to forgive, to learn, to pray, to meditate, and to evolve spiritually.

On this date, the arts and cultures are also celebrated, after all, they bring a constructive peace, according to the Mayan teachings. Peace through culture is one of the fundamental premises of this civilization's calendar. After all, a society that invests in culture will also be investing in collective welfare.