And the best pun intended award of the year goes to this guy

Everyone has an uncle who dominates Sunday lunches by telling the most infamous - and, in the end, fun jokes. The figure of this uncle full of grace was so caricatured that "uncle joke" is an expression used throughout Brazil. There is no consensus between “cookie” and “cookie”, but “uncle's joke” is universal, and Marcos Mazzarollo, who is 20 years old and dominating social networks with his photo-shaped pundits, came to modernize the theme. There is no way not to laugh:

1 - Getting Fit

See how easy it is?

2 - “To start studying, we have to have a base in the books”

And you think the secret was to do cram ...

3 - “I raised the clock to see the late hours”

You gave tsss

4 - “Taking my pet for a walk”


5 - “Kisses of light to you”

= *

6 - “Popes of the language, I'm a fan”

Among the favorites here of the Mega team

7 - “I got up with the whole rope”


8 - “Here the talk is straight”


9 - “I pity you”

haha ha

10 - “Nothing better than seeing a mother giving birth to a child”

Nothing better

11 - “Never go off-hook”

It's forbidden

12 - “I found snow on the roof”

Who never?

13 - "I scratching the sack"

This boy deserves a prize

14 - “Today I woke up with all the gas”

Explosive day

15 - “Listening to Arrocha”


16 - “I have a bowel trap”

It is really a serious problem that there

17 - “All About Control”


18 - “Snow and lawn forecast”

Intense winter

19 - “Making a wood sauce”


20 - “I'm going up the mountain”

Great emotions

21 - “I'm preaching the word”

Well nailed please

22 - “I broke the basin, but I'm fine”


23 - “I decided to try this baby shower”



So, what did you think of this bunch of visual jokes? If you want to see more, just follow Marcos on Facebook or Instagram!