And when does a person identify as both a man and a woman?

Discussing gender issues is fundamental to the promotion of a less violent and more tolerant society, which, as we see fit, would be ideal for all of us. To promote tolerance, nothing is better than knowledge, and if we already understand gender definitions today in some respects, especially transsexuality, we lack clarity regarding other forms of identity.

Have you heard of the fluid genre? To get a better understanding of this, we'll share the story of 17-year-old Rebekka Howie. She states that sometimes she feels woman, but sometimes she feels man.

This Scottish Paisley has been drawing worldwide attention since she spoke openly about her identification within the fluid gender spectrum. The fluctuation of identity causes her to spend months living as a boy and then live as a girl for a day.

More respect, please

Image: Daily Mail

The wardrobe is prepared for the changes, as it has parts considered feminine and men's. “I just wake up and I know what gender I want to have. It's a difficult feeling to explain, ”she said in a statement published in the Daily Mail.

Rebekka says that from time to time the idea of ​​wearing a skirt is unpleasant, but at other times it is precisely with this garment that she is most comfortable with. When she wears a dress, high heels, and make-up, her friends are surprised, but according to her, everyone is very understandable and supportive: "They know deep down I'm the same person."

On gender identity issues, Rebekka doesn't really seem to have many problems, but when he revealed his sexuality, it got complicated. When students at her high school learned that she was a lesbian, they practiced various forms of bullying, including throwing her in a trash can and putting her head inside a toilet while flushing.


Image: Daily Mail

The aggressions provoked by lesbophobia caused Rebekka to change schools, and now the situation is calmer. "I don't think anyone should be persecuted because of their sexuality, " she said rightly.

The teenager celebrated a recent post by singer Miley Cyrus, who posted an image on her Instagram, supporting the fluid genre. “It's great that someone as big as Miley is giving support. It took years for transgender people to be accepted into society and I think it will take time for people to understand gender fluidity, ”he said.

Since early

Image: Daily Mail

In Rebekka's case, identification with the fluid gender occurred when she was only 13 years old: “I couldn't understand why on some days I wanted to be myself and dress like a girl, and on other days I wanted to be A boy".

Then, when speaking with friends of the LGBTI community, Rebekka found that he identified himself as a fluid genre. After studying the definition of this kind of identity, she finally fell into place. Fortunately, Rebekka's family gives the support she needs to be what she is: "As long as she's happy, that's all that matters, " said the teenager's mother, Erica.

After suffering from lesbophobia, the young woman found on the Internet an opportunity to talk more about its characteristics and thus spread the end of intolerance and violence. “I don't want anyone to have to go through what I went through. I want people to know that it's ok to be gay, trans or fluid gender as long as you are happy, ”she said.