In exciting video, Samsung announces one of its best campaigns

Some say empathy is the solution to many of the world's problems. The word may be unknown to some, but its meaning is easy to understand: to put yourself in the shoes of others. This is empathy. In medicine, psychopaths are studied as people without the least capacity for empathy and therefore commit the scariest crimes without any trace of guilt.

The fact is that human beings are comfortable creatures who have difficulty understanding a problem when that problem does not affect their own lives. Are you, now listening to music or listening to ambient sound, ever wondering what it is like to hear absolutely nothing?

Have you ever thought about the importance of sign language for those who do not listen? Is it widespread enough or could it be in other places and situations? Chances are you never thought about it simply because it doesn't affect your life.

On the other hand, according to IBGE, more than 45 million Brazilians have some kind of hearing impairment, and these people would probably find it interesting if they had less accessibility difficulties, which, together with empathy, is one of the proposals in the images below:

The video you saw above is part of a Samsung campaign that shows us in a very practical way how this issue of empathy can really make a difference in people's lives.

Basically the brand's hype made the lives of a hearing impaired, Muaharrem, look different for a moment in a world where people in the same city, merchants and taxi drivers knew how to use sign language to communicate.

Accompanied by his sister, Muaharrem has his footsteps traced by a team that ensures that over a period of time the young man will be able to communicate with everyone around him - something extremely commonplace for most of us, but exciting news in Muaharrem's life., who is visibly moved by the memory. So, what did you think of the video? Do you think it's important to put yourself in the shoes of others from time to time?