Understand What Microcephaly Is

Microcephaly is a neurological condition characterized by malformation of the fetal skull that develops less than necessary. On average, the head circumference of a baby born after a normal nine-month gestation is greater than 33 centimeters, while newborns with microcephaly have varying head circumference sizes, but always below this number.

Children from shorter pregnancies - due to caesarean section or premature birth, for example - logically have a smaller skull circumference, but there are still measures that are expected in these situations. There are several causes that can lead to malformation, such as the mother's use of chemicals during pregnancy such as drugs and alcohol, infections with biological agents - toxoplasmosis, rubella, and other bacteria and viruses - and even radiation contamination.

Microcephaly can be identified during pregnancy during prenatal examinations. If this does not happen, the condition can also be noticed shortly after delivery, during the first routine physical examination performed in hospital nurseries. This examination should be done before the first 24 hours after birth and is essential in identifying a number of congenital anomalies that the child may have.

Comparison between the skulls of a microcephaly individual and another with normal formation

Consequences of microcephaly

The vast majority of cases of microcephaly result in some level of mental retardation. The skull enlarges as the child grows older, but remains smaller than adequate for proper brain development, resulting in varying degrees of motor, psychic, or neurological impairment.

Hyperactivity, cognitive, visual or hearing impairment, as well as epilepsy, are also problems usually associated with children born with microcephaly. All of these sequelae vary from case to case as they depend on the severity of the malformation. However, there are cases where the intelligence of the child is not affected due to the condition. Early follow-up with physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy professionals can help minimize the dysfunctions the individual may develop.

When the small size of the skull happens because of a bone problem, there are some treatments that may allow the brain to develop normally, but there is no cure for microcephaly. No way has been found to circumvent the condition so that the head of a child affected by the condition later acquires the correct size or shape.

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