Simpsons episode predicted Brazil's defeat to Germany in the World Cup

After Germany's big 7x1 defeat of Brazil over the 2014 World Cup semi-final this past Tuesday, the 8th, several stories have surfaced on the internet about people who predicted the unexpected result and The Simpsons is on this list!

In the 16th episode of the 25th season of the animation, titled "You Don't Have to Live Like a Referee, " aired March 30 in the United States, Homer is recruited to work as a World Cup judge, but when traveling to Brazil, has his honesty tested and ends up not accepting bribes to let our country win at home in the grand final.

The coincidences shown in this episode are many, but several details differed from reality. In the animation, Homer beeps the great final of the Cup between Brazil and Germany, when, in fact, this game was a semifinal. But as in the drawing, the home team lost to the Europeans - albeit 2-0 and not 7-1, as was the real score.

What's more, in the episode, the great star of our national team, El Divo, does not participate in the whole match, after stumbling alone, falling into the penalty area and dying shortly before the game is over. The reality we all know: Neymar suffered a vertebra fracture in the previous quarterfinal match, but the prediction that the Brazilian team would have this major embezzlement is there in the March episode of the Simpsons .

Check out the full subtitled chapter below:

And you, what do you think about this coincidental prediction made months before by the Simpsons ?

Via My Series