Making mistakes is part of the learning process

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According to Time Magazine, a new study by the Singapore National Institute of Education suggests that while no one likes to fail when learning something new, this is part of the learning process, keeping new information in check. our memory.

The problem is that more and more information is delivered to us in an extremely organized and structured manner, so as to avoid having many problems learning about a new topic or activity. According to the researchers, it is better to let the individual get a little hit with the new material, refraining from offering any help at first.

Although research focuses more on children's learning, this is true for adults as well. In the workplace, for example, when we have to learn a new job, employers tend to offer training and support until we are able to perform the new job alone, thus eliminating much of the margin of error required for the new job. information is learned correctly.

Source: Time Magazine, Singapore National Institute of Education