This is probably the best Christmas campaign ever [video]

WestJet has prepared a simply fantastic Christmas surprise for its customers. It all began to be planned in August with the desire to do something completely new, big and exciting. After three months of work and with the help of 175 company employees, the innovative campaign was completed.

And what exactly is this campaign? Well, the guys just set up a kind of "interactive portal" through which passengers on a particular flight passed and were called by Santa Claus. During the conversation with Good Old Man, adults and children placed their orders: from “socks and underwear”, as one of the passengers said, to television, mobile phone and tablet.

The real surprise came when the passengers arrived at the airport and went to pick up their bags from the Arrivals wing mats. When they reached the treadmill they came across music, fake snow, and instead of the bags, the gifts they had requested moments before. All the passengers received what they wanted to have received - and were able to thank Good Old Man personally.


Be sure to watch the video above and track orders and gift delivery. The surprise reaction of the boy who got his tablet is unmissable (4:00 min) - same for the emotion of the woman who gets a camera, in the next scene.

The final message is that “miracles happen when everyone works together, ” after all, those people had no idea they would get what they had asked of Santa, but with the help of a large team everything worked out. So what do you think about this kind of marketing strategy? Would you like something similar here in Brazil?