These are some of the best Christmas trees of the year.

New Year's Eve parties can bring about some changes in people's routine: they are more likely to be generous to their peers, become more sensitive and hopeful for the coming year, adorn their homes with Christmas bells and of course, set up the indispensable Christmas tree.

However, there are those who decided to retire the traditional plastic pine tree and bet on a totally new decoration. Using unusual materials, they redefined the Christmas ornamentation and, by the way, reached the end of the year making a good economy. Here's how the originality of these people went:

1. Bookshelf

Book shelf

2. Wine Bottle Corks

wine bottles

3. PVC pipe cut

PVC pipe cut

4. Cardboard Box

Cardboard box

5. Books

6. Guitar


7. Sewing Buttons and Items


8. Branches


9. Egg Cartons

Egg cartons

10. Family photos and greeting cards

greeting cards

11. Aluminum Cans

Aluminum cans

12. Pages of an Old Book

Pages of an old book

13. More Books

More books

14. Ladder


15. Painted Wood Surface

Painted wood surface