This is the main point that makes you look - or not - attractive

We are not talking about beauty and its often unattainable standards, but attraction, which is that kind of mysterious ingredient that makes one person, anybody, stand out from the crowd, stares and draws attention wherever it passes, regardless of whether it has a slim waist for women or a defined biceps for men.

Do you know what is capable of creating this magnetic field of attraction? According to a recently published study, the answer is simpler than we could imagine: showing emotions, feelings, humanity. Next time someone says you're sentimental, celebrate.

As well?

Show feelings? It's released.

You want an explanation, of course, and we have one that seems quite reasonable: humans are attracted to people whose emotions are easily understandable, and this can be explained by the way our neuronal circuitry works.

“Being able to understand the other person's intentions and emotions is essential to success and social interaction, ” said research author Silke Anders in a statement published in Time magazine. She explains that in a successful relationship, partners need to be able to anticipate each other's reactions and adapt their own attitudes.

The search

The infamous wow effect.

To reach these conclusions, the Anders team had the help of 90 people, who watched a series of videos with women who looked sad. Then the volunteers had to tell them how women were feeling and how confident they seemed to be - all of that, of course, while their brain activities were monitored.

The result? The more a person understood the feelings of women in the video, the more likely they were to find them attractive - brain scans revealed that the ability to detect what a person is feeling activates the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for the sensation of well-being. being and reward, which turns on the light of "oops, this person is attractive". In other words, it is better to show what you feel than to spend your life with an invisibility cloak - of course if you want to become attractive.


Do you often show or hide feelings? Why? Comment on the Mega Curious Forum