Study says your belly size indicates when you will die

If you are also one who believes that a man without a belly is a man with no history, maybe this is the time to rethink your habits, as two American researchers have just published a study that suggests that there is a direct relationship between the size of your belly. and the risks you have to die sooner than you expect.

It all started when, in 2012, Dr. Nir Krakauer, who is a civil engineering professor, and his father, Dr. Jesse Krakauer, developed a new way of calculating the mortality risks associated with abdominal obesity. The index was named “A Body Shape Index” (ABSI) and proved more effective than the traditional Body Mass Index (BMI) in predicting disease risk.

Graph compares data found in HALS and NHANES. Image Source: Playback / Plos One

After analyzing data from thousands of adults who participated in large studies, such as the Health and Lifestyle Survey (HALS - Great Britain, 1980s) and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES - United States, 1999-2004), Double compared the mortality cases with ABSI, BMI and other indices that relate weight and waist and hip circumferences.

In this way, they found that ABSI served as an important indicator of mortality. It was noted that people in the upper ABSI range had a 61% higher mortality rate than those at the bottom of the table. These results served as evidence of the greater effectiveness of using ABSI to predict the risks of premature mortality in different populations compared to the other numbers that are commonly used.

Image Source: Shutterstock

Now researchers are investigating whether changes in lifestyle or other types of interventions could reduce ABSI and help people live longer. If you want to calculate your ABSI and know how your health is doing, go here, enter your information and be sure to consult a specialist.