Study: Consuming Porn Does Not Cause Negative Attitudes toward Women

Researchers at Western University of Canada surveyed data and found that, contrary to popular belief, “porn fans” would have less negative attitudes toward women and their position in society than those who dislike such content. . This survey was based on the General Social Survey, conducted by the US government annually with about 24, 000 Americans.

They cross-checked data from some answers to this question, presented last year, and confirmed that those who watch porn would not be more or less likely to discriminate against women in any way compared to those who do not consume adult content.

In the US government survey, 23% of respondents confirmed that they watched some porn video in the past year. Comparing the other responses related to some form of prejudice, on average, pornography consumers would have even more understanding of the feminist cause: they often express more positive attitudes toward women in power and in the workplace at large. They would also have expressed less negativity about abortion.

20 years of porn on the web?

Another scholar corroborates this thesis. Christopher Ferguson, a professor of psychology at Texas A&M International University, commented that domestic assaults and rapes against women have been decreasing in this early Internet age, according to the National Post. "I think if pornography were to end society, she had 20 years to do it ... and it hasn't destroyed it yet, " the professor told the paper.

Of course, neither the Canadian university survey nor Ferguson's data can more scientifically prove whether or not pornography is related to discrimination against women. However, there are groups of feminist activists who condemn porn, just as there are many others who don't view porn as bad.

Via TecMundo.