Fail Army! See three US Army jeeps crashing from planes in test

An accident during a US Army military exercise turned out to be an incredible video: three HMMWVs, also known as humvees, those famous armed military jeeps, are launched by warplanes at a base in Hohenfels, Germany, but their parachutes fail and their vehicles obey the Law of Gravity with discipline.

It all happened in a test by the United States Army, more precisely the 173rd Air Brigade - operating at a base within Germany - which apparently forgot the air part of the name. The scene is filmed by soldiers, who do not contain themselves while watching the impressive accident live. Fortunately, the catastrophe left no injuries.

It is common in war exercises to launch these parachute jeeps

It is common in war drills to launch these parachute jeeps from aircraft to fall into advanced position from enemy territory. Of course, in the midst of a battle, this accident would have been much more catastrophic, with the death of the soldiers aboard the vehicles and the diminishing force of the army's attack.

Check out the state of one of the HMMWVs after the fall: virtually unrecognizable.

HMMWV completely destroyed after the crash

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