Humbug, possession, inflation? They recorded something very strange in Chinese market

What is not lacking there are photos and even videos that - supposedly - show some kind of paranormal activity, right? And, as you may have already noticed, we at Mega Curioso are fans of a beautiful “sinister” and we have already shared here countless stories full of images in which (they say ! ) You can see specters, haunts and ghostly entities in general.

For recently we came across a very bizarre clip that would have been captured by security cameras from a supermarket in China. Not surprisingly, there is not much information about the incident, but according to the accompanying description of the video, the scenes show a woman under demonic possession being met by an on-site exorcist. Watch:

To tell the truth, we at Mega don't know what really happened. But here among us ... demonic possession and the providential presence of an (apparent) exorcist in the supermarket? Don't you think the whole thing looks like a trick question? After all, examples of jokes like this abound ( a-ahae-hihihi ), right?

What's more, who guarantees that what we saw was not a poor woman having a hell of a whimper after seeing the (presumably exorbitant) price of the product that fell off the shelf? So, dear reader, what do you think? What was the catch, possession or blame of inflation? Tell us in the comments!