Finnish challenges players with the world's toughest sudoku

(Image source: Reproduction / The Telegraph)

According to The Telegraph, Finnish mathematician Arto Inkala has created the most difficult sudoku game in the world, suitable only for the most privileged minds. So much so that on a scale of difficulty ranging from 1 to 5 stars, the Inkala puzzle beat the mark of 11!

According to the publication, the mathematician took three months to create the hobby, using a software that he himself developed. Sudoku is a popular numeric game, based on the logical placement of digits in a 9 x 9 space table. However, according to Inkala, in his challenge the number of deductions players must make to allocate numbers is much larger.

The mathematician states that in order to complete the puzzle, players must examine all possible and imaginable options, and in some plays have to consider up to 10 numerical allocations that will be made below. And you, reader, how about trying to solve the hardest sudoku in the world? Not worth the necklace!

Source: The Telegraph