Photographer makes portraits of his own body falling in various situations

Falling once is painful enough, right? And what would you say about someone who decided to fall several times, in different ways, willingly? This is the story of Kerry Skarbakka, a photographer who, to innovate in his portfolio, ended up with dozens of body fractures.

The concept of The Struggle to Right Oneself series seems simple, but the execution is what can make you shiver at the thought: the photos are an unconventional kind of self-portrait, in which the artist photographs his own body falling from various ways, in different places.

The method is quite laborious: Skarbakka positions the camera in the desired location, sets the perfect scene, and then repeats the fall as many times as necessary, until the click is as it imagined.

Image Source: Reproduction / Kerry Skarbakka

However, the boldness of the photographer has already brought him many pains. Kerry reveals that, by design, he has already sprained his ankle, cut several parts of his body, had a fractured rib, and even had chronic pain in his spine and neck. Art, madness or both?