Man implants earphones in his ears

Headphones Never Again Image Source: Playback / H + Magazine

There are people who, although they are very fond of listening to music, can not stand to be all day using headphones.

And to keep from bothering everyone on the bus with loudspeakers on the bus (you know a lot of people do that!), A man named Rich Lee decided to look for a definitive solution.

To do this, he performed a unique surgery, implanting small magnets into a specific part of the ear cartilage, called the "tragus". It is just outside your ear canal - including, many people often use piercings in this region.

These magnets, in turn, communicate with equipment that uses a coil to send the sound directly to Lee's ear that hangs around his neck. With everything hidden under his clothes, he is able to listen to music without anyone knowing he is doing it.

Rich Lee, however, also has some "darker" ideas for using his implants. According to him, a good alternative to use would be, for example, to use directional microphones so that he could hear other people's conversation without their understanding. So if you happen to see him around, don't say anything that might compromise you!

Via Tecmundo