Amazing! Brazilians build perfect Ferrari F40 replicas

Powerful engine, impeccable design and charm that few in the world can offer. This is a very correct way to describe one of the greatest classics of the modern automotive industry: the Ferrari F40. The car was produced between 1987 and 1991 and is considered one of the most charming models ever produced in Maranello - the Italian city where Ferrari is headquartered.

Since production of the vehicle has already been completed, it is currently very difficult to find any for sale anywhere in the world - but if you find it, be prepared to see prices that exceed $ 1 million. However, shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars is not the only way to drive a Ferrari F40! This is because it is possible to build your own supercar replica.

Are you doubting? Because there are two Brazilians who have done just that in recent years. Each of them set up a replica of the F40 using parts from other cars, parts made especially for the model, and also a great deal of patience - as the whole process can take many years of effort to complete. Want to know more about it? Then check out the following stories.

Auto Passion

Have you ever dreamed of building something with your own hands? For the mechanical engineer Luiz Humberto Câmara Melo had the dream of making a car. In 2006 he could start doing this by choosing the Ferrari F40 as a model for the venture. He bought a 1:18 miniature supercar and began building the fairing parts with the help of professional designers.

Image Source: Playback / Vrum

Although the bolide has the perfect appearance of a Ferrari, underneath the fairing it is possible to say that it is a true creature of Dr. Frankenstein. As informed by the Vrum website, Ferrari de Melo uses a Volkswagen Polo steering system, a Toyota Hilux brakes and a powerful Ford Mustang engine. All of this still has the aid of a Gol GTI gearbox, capable of supporting much more than the 304 engine horsepower.

It is valid to say that the body of the Brazilian F40 was built based on molds taken from an original model. The fiberglass pieces had to be reworked very well, as the engineer claims that the first pieces were far away from what he expected for the replica. The wheels were custom made by a company that makes parts for Stock Car.

An inexpensive replica

Renato Castilho is a 42-year-old businessman who has dedicated part of the last ten by building a faithful replica of the Ferrari F40. For the website of Quatro Rodas magazine, Castilho claims to have already invested over $ 300, 000 in the construction of the project - money that was spent on iron sheets, glass fibers and many automotive components, many of which are original from the automaker itself. Italian

Image Source: Playback / Four Wheels

The most curious thing is that Castilho used a 1:12 replica as a reference to start his project and had to learn to do modeling by getting his hands dirty - with the help of a fiber laminator. Beneath the F40's fairing is a 4.2 liter V6 engine, brought straight from a Ford F-250. The businessman says that some details are still missing, but he expects to finish everything in 2014.


Did you like to know these Ferrari F40 replicas that were built here in Brazil? If you saw any of them strolling around your city, would you know that they are copies or would you think that they are the cars produced in official factories in Italy?

Via Tecmundo