Insatiable: Petition Wants to Cancel Netflix Series for “Gordophobia”

A petition initiated at requires Netflix to cancel the Insatiable series even before its August 10 debut. More than 120, 000 people have already signed the digital document accusing the body shaming and fat shaming series (sometimes translated as “gordophobia”), expressions used for attitudes or messages that suggest that having a non-standard body is negative.

In the dark comedy Debby Ryan will be Patty, a bullying high school student, ignored and underestimated by those around her because of her weight. But life changes rapidly after she has to keep her jaw closed for weeks after being punched in the face and suddenly suddenly thin.


“For a long time, the narrative told impressionable women and youth that, to be popular, to have friends, to be desirable to the male gaze and, to some extent, to be a worthy human being ... one has to be thin . This series needs to be canceled. The damage control of releasing this series will be far worse, insidious and sinister for teenage girls than it will be detrimental to Netflix in its loss of profit, ”says the undersigned.

The Insatiable trailer (which you check out below) released earlier this week shows Patty with and without an overweight costume to represent her sudden transformation that brings the positive attention of her classmates. She then begins to take revenge on those who have harmed her.

* Via My Series.


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Insatiable: Petition Wants to Cancel Netflix Series for “Gordophobia” via TecMundo