Jessica Biel spends over $ 150,000 on clothes per month

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Known as a sportswoman, actress Jessica Biel would have turned into a refined fashionista after her marriage to singer Justin Timberlake, the Irish newspaper Belfast Telegraph points out.

According to the newspaper, sources say the actress has spent about $ 20, 000 a week in department stores in New York. At the end of a month, this amount would amount to more than 150, 000 reais in clothing, accessories and shoes.

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“She can't resist anything Chanel, Prada or Valentino. [Jessica's closet] was so full she had to rent a warehouse to put in her new purchases, ”a source says.

And it seems that who is bearing the brunt of Jessica Biel's new hobby is her husband. "Justin may pay, but he's a little afraid of the voracity with which she has been spending money." Justin, who is undeniably a masculine icon of style, would also be the push that made the actress more interested in fashion.

“I definitely think any woman changes when she gets married. I believe she feels safer having found a partner, ”said Estee Stanley, longtime friend and stylist of Jessica Biel.