13 more historical photos showing how the world can change in a short time

1. Hawaiian Duke Kahanamoku in 1920 - he was one of those responsible for popularizing surfing as we know it today

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2. Iron lung in 1937 for polio patients - polio vaccine was invented only two decades later

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3. Kids Costumed for Halloween 1900

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4. John F. Mitchell, vice president of Motorola in 1973, demonstrating the use of the state-of-the-art DynaTAC.

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5. The elephant seal Roland took a snow bath at the Berlin Zoo in 1930

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6. Pablo Picaso dressed as sailor Popeye in 1957

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7. Ben Chapman during the filming of "The Black Lagoon Monster" in 1954

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8. Avenue in the city of Anchorage, Alaska, destroyed after the 9.2 earthquake in 1954 - the quake lasted more than 4 minutes and was the second strongest in history, killing 139 people.

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9. Traffic jam at the Brandenburg Gate of East Germans trying to enter West Berlin after the fall of the wall separating them, 1989

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10. German children fascinated by a chewing gum machine in 1955

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11. Antenna construction of the former World Trade Center in 1979

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12. Mom puts a trash bin to lock up the child as she finishes her knitting in 1969 in the USA

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13. Woman tied up during psychiatric "treatment" in Germany in the late 19th century

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