15 more photos of who was right at the right time

Everyone has a photo they are proud to have taken: whether it's an unforgettable sunset, or mountains on the horizon, or even a puppy. But to get epic and unforgettable photos, you also need a lot of luck to be in the right moment with the camera in hand.

Check out 15 more times this happened:

1. Life imitates art, I mean nature

2. Crossing Rainbow Ave with a rainbow in the sky can only be the work of passionate gnomes

3. Who says that pussies can't have fun alone?

4. In my city, people praised the statue of Tiradentes thinking it was Jesus, but each place has its characteristics ...

Luckily, the guy registered not to be a liar - would you believe just hearing?

6. Pied piper: danger in C major

7. In the Netherlands, a cyclist was on the drawbridge at the worst possible time. At least she was unharmed and pedaling

8. The deer decided to visit Swan Lake

9. A dove's landing right after she crosses a rainbow

10. That Unexpected Presidential Visit

11. Inception!

12. An ordinary day in Cleveland

13. This seems to have been extremely uncomfortable.

14. “But in Curitiba, the cold even freezes the discharges. I swear to you, heck! ”

15. If you drink, do not drive. And if driving, do not dive into the pool.