Improve your health in less than 60 seconds with these 9 simple techniques.

We've already taught you how to improve your life with activities that take less than a minute to do, remember? Sarah Klein of the Huffington Post decided to make a list of tips that promise to improve your health in 60 seconds or less. Doubt? Then check out the suggestions below, add some good habits to your life and then tell us how it went:

1 - Breathe deeply

Everyone goes through some stressful moments when everything around them seems to be close to spontaneous combustion. At such times it is always good not to discuss or make important decisions. Also, how about giving your breath a little credit and trying to pull the air through your nose slowly and let it out through your mouth?

This simple and seemingly mundane exercise can have a positive effect on fighting stress, improving oxygenation in your body and regulating your heart rate.

2 - Embrace someone you love

In addition to being a gesture that makes us happy, hugging, believe it or not, is an exercise that helps lower blood pressure and improve heart function. It's hard to try, right?

3 - Laughter is really the best medicine

Having a good laugh makes your brain get a little confused and think you've been doing some physical activity - it's not the calorie expenditure that makes it clear, but the release of some powerful substances that make you feel good, and also for decrease stress hormone levels.

Laughter is good, you probably already knew, but now take a try: Laughter is healthy too. There are studies that have even related a memory in the tricks among those who laugh.

4 - Eat some dark chocolate

Look what a good thing: this tip would not even have to have scientific proof to be accepted by most people, right? The truth is that cocoa causes many benefits, such as lowering your blood pressure, raising good cholesterol levels and improving your blood circulation.

5 - Be optimistic

There is always that person who claims to be realistic, not pessimistic, but the truth is that thinking and believing good things can improve your heart health and boost your immune system. That is: enough of an angry face!

6 - Stay away from computer screen

Okay, that sounds impossible, but spending too much time looking at a computer screen can really hurt your eyes. The tip is: every 20 minutes, look at a point away from the computer for 20 seconds.

7 - Wash your hands well!

We know this is a basic hygiene measure, but there are people out there who are too lazy to wash their hands properly. Did you know that teaching communities to wash their hands well can reduce the number of people with diarrhea by 31%? The same goes for flu and respiratory illness: handwashing can keep these two problems from appearing.

After all, what is the right way to wash your hands? First soak them in clean running water, then add soap and scrub them for at least 20 seconds (don't forget your nails and finger region). Remember that during these 20 seconds you can turn off the tap and avoid wasting. After that, just rinse your hands thoroughly under running water and dry them.

8 - Add Cinnamon to Your Breakfast

Adding some spice to your coffee can be a good idea, especially if you want to lower your blood sugar. The magic ingredient is also known to help lower your body's bad cholesterol levels. It doesn't hurt to try, does it?

9 - The board

Some internet campaigns suggest that we do one minute of surfboard (image position above) a day. The truth is that this exercise is really easy to do, even if you feel awkward at first, and it has many benefits for your body, especially in relieving back pain and correcting your posture.


So, do you already have any of these habits? Tell us in the comments! And remember that taking any of these measures does not mean that you should stop any medical treatment or the like. These tips are just additions, not substitutions.