Music: This may be the best way to cure your hangover.

Friday arrives, friends start calling and that completely unmissable party has everything to render the best photos on Instagram. Suddenly, you're in the middle of a wheel of strangers, snapping one or two of your friends into the air with you, until someone comes up with a bucket of beer and a tray full of tequila shots.

You wake up late in the afternoon the next day, look at your phone and see that you have pictures you don't even remember taking. In the mouth, the taste of umbrella and an unspeakable thirst that would make you drink water from the toilet if needed. The headache starts at the forehead and ends at the big toe. Your stomach has not yet decided to feel hungry or nauseous, and it takes you a few hours to get from bed to shower. Who never?

As much as going out and drinking is common, especially among those in their twenties, heavy alcohol consumption is never a good idea, and the proof is a word called a hangover. Some say the best cure for this is to drink even more, some just take a headache medicine and plenty of water, and of course, try those crazy recipes that usually include raw eggs. In this sense, we have good news: music also helps.

Science Alert has released the results of a very interesting study, which suggests that our favorite songs can have healing effects, especially if we combine that new CD from your darling band with a Paracetamol pill. Here is a recipe for treating hangovers that promises not to corrupt your digestive system.

The tip was based on a study by experts from the New York Headache Center in the USA. “We have good evidence that music works for all kinds of pain. There is no reason to think that with hangovers it would be any different. It's not as powerful as morphine, but it can be as good as Tylenol, ”explains research institute director Alexander Mauskop.

Apparently, this healing power of music has to do with the fact that when we select songs that make us happy, when we create a new playlist we get distracted and, as a result, we stop focusing on both pain and evil. -be. Earlier studies had proven that music has the power to reduce feelings of nausea, which is one of the key words in the life of a hangover.

“I would think of hangover as something like migraine (a kind of migraine) in the sense that you don't want to hear anything too loud, too loud, but if that [music] can distract you, it will theoretically offer some relief.” said Lynn Webster of the American Academy of Pain Medicine.

The point is, music is something that definitely makes us feel good. Classical music has been proven to help cure migraines - in cases of migraine, even heavy metal and dubstep seem to help. Music is also a good alternative for those who are sick, so maybe you, who probably won't keep the old promise of never drinking in your life, can try this new recipe: water, bath, pain medicine and headphones. Is it better or not better than raw egg?

* Posted on 12/13/2016