Cross-legged woman in subway viralizes with curious image

Yes, my people, we have come to the time when a woman doing leg contortion goes viral! The picture of a young girl on the subway, quietly cross-legged, has been making people comment on the limits of her body. Check out the image:

Alright, okay

Many people don't understand how she can cross her legs like this. “Isn't she made of bones? Is this humanly possible? Are your legs possessed? ”- these comments are the most popular in the image, which has had over 1 million hits, and it is very simple to reproduce what the woman does.

Another normal day at Mega Curioso

This is me doing the same as the woman who viralized. I confess that some people found it strange that I almost knot my legs, but in a good way everyone can. Try it at home and send it to us!
