In Australia, Flying Dolphin Takes Down Stand Up Paddle

We've talked a lot here about the dangers of Australian wildlife, where apparently every animal wants to kill you. We usually remember venomous animals like spiders, snakes and scorpions, but even the friendly Australian dolphins look like creatures out of the darkness of Hell.

Last week, one of these Capiroto puppies was caught “flying” out of the water and hitting a stand-up paddle man - that very popular summer exercise of standing on a large board. The images were recorded in Gracetown, in the southwest of the country.

In the recording, it is possible to see the man calmly on the board when a wave approaches. Suddenly, at least 8 dolphins are seen surfing along with the wave, until one of them decides to jump and knock the guy off the board! What a bad luck, huh? The state of health of man and dolphin is unknown. Check out the scene:

More dolphin curiosities:

  • Dolphins are seen giving gifts to girlfriends
  • Drugs, sex and suicide: the love story between a woman and a dolphin
  • SC dolphins create accent to help Brazilian fishermen


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