NASA photographs Space Station passing in front of the Sun during eclipse

If you were not on Mars this Monday (21), it is very likely that you have seen a lot of news regarding the total solar eclipse that was seen in the United States - here in Brazil, cities in the northern region could still follow the phenomenon. that in its partiality.

Now that the best images from the eclipse are beginning to emerge, we may notice some incredible situations. NASA photographer Joel Kowsky hit the jackpot while following the phenomenon in Banner City, Wyoming: he was able to photograph the International Space Station (ERA) passing in the sunlight as the star began to be covered by the moon. ! Check out:

Image joins 7 photos to show ERA's trajectory in front of the Sun during the eclipse

In addition to these wonderful photos, Kowsky also captured the ISS passage with a camera shooting 1, 500 frames per second! Since the Station is about the size of a football field, 400 kilometers from Earth and moving at a speed of almost 30, 000 km / h, it takes a lot of luck to catch it the way this guy did it. Check out the video:

Yes, that tiny black dot in front of the sun is the International Space Station.