Face shape may suggest relationship type

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A joint study by Stirling and Glasgow Universities in the United Kingdom has shown that the shape of the female face can tell a lot about the type of relationship she has or will have with a man.

According to the survey, men looking for a quick affair tend to look for women with very feminine and delicate characteristics, while those who are after a serious long-term relationship choose women with more masculine references on their faces, such as more angular jaw. it is strong.

To get the results, an online experiment was conducted with hundreds of straight men. They were shown various versions of female faces and the researchers asked them to choose one for a quick affair and another for a serious relationship. One version has been digitally altered to have more feminine features and another slightly more masculine.

The result showed that in making long-term choices, men were more likely to choose women with less delicate characteristics, being unconsciously driven to this choice by the feeling that they would also be less unfaithful.

When asked which women they would like to have an adventure in, they chose those with the most delicate, feminine, and attractive look who had the most prominent cheekbones, thinner chins, and full mouth - especially among surveyed men who were already engaged.

The results reflect previous studies of how women choose partners. In this case, they prefer the strong and robust men for an adventure, while for a serious relationship they opt for the softer ones considered more reliable to settle down and have children.