What could we find in the center of a black hole?

As many people already know, black holes are the result of the collapse of big stars. Once formed, they begin to exert a tremendous force of attraction, so much so that not even light can “survive” it. And it is precisely because of this feature that scientists cannot study them with probes for example.

However, these difficulties did not prevent studies from being done at a distance, which resulted in a theory for what would be found in the center of a black hole if travel to this location were possible. In the end, if you take this trip, you might find something called "Singularity."

And what is this?

This phenomenon is described by scientists as the result of very strong pressure, which would attract extremely large objects in an absurdly small space - this area would be so small that it would be dimensionless. That way you would be in the presence of a curve in the relationship between time and space.

Although several calculations have been made to reach this conclusion, scientists are still debating whether Singularity really exists in practice - after all, theoretical calculations can result in anything and there is no possibility of entering a black hole to check it out. the truth of the facts.