What do you think about this: Uruguayan government decides to legalize marijuana

According to El Pais, within four months a law will come into force in Uruguay that will standardize marijuana production and marketing in the country. The Senate vote came after a long political debate - counting 16 votes in favor and 13 against - and with the decision, the country not only became the first in Latin America to legalize cannabis, but the first in the world to regulate the process from production to consumption.

Image Source: Reproduction / El Pais

The decision to legalize marijuana has as its main objective to dismantle the related black market as a way to fight drug trafficking in the country, as the stance of just banning was not working. Once enacted, the law will allow any citizen to have up to six plants at home, and can use marijuana in public and safe places without risk of reprisal.

Legalization against drug trafficking

Image Source: Reproduction / El Pais

Once it comes into force, which is expected to take place next April, consumer organizations will be able to grow their own plants and the government should start production for official pharmacy supply.

In addition, under the new law, anyone in the country wishing to be part of consumer organizations or to enjoy state distribution will only need to register with the IRCCa - Institute for Regulation and Control of Cannabis - a body created specifically to assist in regulating consumption. .

And you, reader, what do you think of the measure? Do you believe that legalizing is the best way to fight drug trafficking? What about consumption, do you think it will increase or remain stable? Be sure to give your opinion in the comments!