Innovative billboard comes alive as planes approach [video]

British Airlines, in partnership with Ogilvy 12th Floor, has installed digital billboards that transform each time an airplane passes above them. With a custom technology system, the scoreboards interact with each of the airline's flights and change the display configuration.

As soon as a company aircraft flies over the billboard, the image shows the flight number and its place of origin, as well as a child pointing at the plane. The advertisement is part of the “Magic of Flying” campaign that aims to remind people how flying can be magical, especially from a child's point of view.

According to British Airways chief marketing officer Abigail Comber, this type of digital ad is new to the company and to advertising in England as well.

“We know from conversations with friends and family who always ask us where the planes are going and we dream of an amazing vacation or a warm destination. Technology allows the ad to engage people and answer the question for them. We look forward to surprising and reminding people of how amazing flying is and how accessible the world is, ”explains Comber.

Interactive billboards were installed at Picadilly Circus and Chiswick in London, England. Check out one of the billboards in action: