Why are some people more emotionally intense than others?

People are unique and different from each other, no doubt, but some are much more intense, and when something negative happens, they despair, cry, suffer; when something good takes over, they jump around the world - on the other hand, some react more moderately. I wonder why?

A new study suggests that this difference in emotional reaction may have to do with genetic issues. To this end, tests have been conducted to evaluate the processing of emotions within the brain, which may explain why some people are more susceptible to post-traumatic stress, for example.

“People really see the world differently. For those with this genetic variation, the emotionally relevant things in the world stand out a lot more, ”explained professor Rebecca Todd, who led the study, in a statement published on Psy Blog.


The gene studied is ADRA2b, which regulates the norepinephrine neurotransmitter. According to another research leader, Professor Adam Anderson, emotions are not processed purely the way they happen, but are also influenced by the way the brain perceives them.

Anderson explains that this shows us that our genes really interfere with the way we see the positive and negative aspects of life, and that some people tend to see bad experiences as major threats.

Todd explains that while it may seem bad to have more intense responses to emotions, the truth is that this can have its positive side as well, as this genetic variation helps people who respond with more emotion realize what is really relevant. in the world. She cites Marcel Proust as an example of a highly sensitive person who transformed his feelings into creativity and excellent literary production. Now tell us: what type of person do you fit?