Why do we close our eyes when sneezing?

(Image source: Reproduction / Wikipedia)

Ever wonder why we close our eyes every time we sneeze? According to Life's Little Mysteries website, many people ask themselves the same question, and the answer remains a topic of debate for medicine.

According to the site, sneezing helps protect the passages of the nose by expelling foreign particles through a powerful jet of air from the lungs, which travels more than 100 miles per hour. However, this reflex involves numerous actions, all of which are controlled by our brain.


When the brain receives the stimulus, it sends signals to the muscles of the esophagus and sphincter to contract - imagine the accidents! - In addition to sending signals to various muscles and nerves of the face. And this is where the connection between eyelid movement and sneezing comes into play. Nerves related to the eyes and nose are very close together, and usually respond when one or another organ is stimulated.

In addition, although it is not known exactly why we close our eyes when sneezing, experts also believe that this reflex serves to protect our organs from sight, as air from the lungs to the nose could increase eye pressure and eventually end up. hurting us. Anyway, as the website pointed out, sneezing is the only reflection that makes completely stranger people wish us “health”!

Source: Life's Little Mysteries

* Originally posted on 9/26/2012 .


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