Mutant pig born with a human face and a penis on his forehead

The video above is making a big hit on Chinese social networks showing a little pig that was born with bizarre deformations. His face resembles that of a human being, but the bulge on his forehead has been compared to a penis. It is unknown where exactly the images were made, only of what was in China.

The little piglet appears panting and yawning, prompting many people to come up with theories about the reasons that led to the mutations. The most widespread hypothesis is that the country's pollution would be behind the deformities. The story is very similar to the piglet that was born in China in early 2015 and survived only 40 days. At the time, he was rejected by his mother, and his farmer could not save him.

Already in Cuba, earlier this year, a little pig was born with a monkey-like face. In this case, the experts concluded that the mutations were caused by a genetic defect that caused the piglet to become a "ham" - yes, in the "dead" sense of the word. Another case of mutant pig shown here at Mega happened when a Reddit user posted a picture of a little pig that was born with what appear to be testicles instead of the eyes.

People are blaming Chinese pollution for deformities