About to die, artist with terminal illness makes farewell party

In early July this year, the family and close friends of the 41-year-old American artist Betsy Davis received invitations to a party that took place on the last weekend of the same month. The reason for the celebration? Betsy was ill, terminally ill, and was going to die soon. Before leaving, however, she wanted to say goodbye to the people she loved.

"These circumstances are unlikely at any party you've been to before and require emotional structure and an open mind, " she said in the invitation, which asked guests not to cry in front of her and just have fun.

Carrier of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a degenerative and unhealed condition, Betsy knew that over time she would no longer be able to talk, eat and perform basic daily tasks. To avoid this, she resorted to assisted suicide, which was recently legalized in the state of California.

Scheduled Departure


The technique basically consists of choosing a date to take a dose of life-threatening medications in the company of a medical team. To be entitled to assisted suicide, which is legalized only in some countries of the world (in the US, not allowed in all states), one must be in a situation like Betsy's: terminally ill, with no chance of cure.

Last weekend in July, Betsy was accompanied by 30 people in the city of Ojai, South Carolina. There, she had fun, chatted with friends, smiled, took photos and watched her favorite movie, which was screened in a big screen. The event featured live music, cocktails and lots of pizza.

As soon as the party was over, everyone in attendance said goodbye to Betsy, who was taken to a region near the mountains where she would take the medicines.



According to Kelly, the artist's sister, Betsy had not worked for three years due to the progress of the disease: “Of course it was difficult for me, still is. But people understood, they know she was suffering and that she was comfortable with her decision, ”she said in a statement published in Voice of San Diego.

“What Betsy did gave her the most beautiful death anyone could wish for. By taking over, she turned her departure into a work of art, ”friend and cameraman Niels Alpert said in a statement published in People.

Betsy died watching the sunset, wearing a Japanese kimono, accompanied by Sister Kelly, her caregiver, her doctor and a massage therapist. The artist died four hours after taking a combination of morphine, pentobarbital chloral hydrate. In June of next year, the month of his birthday, friends will gather at the same place to spread their ashes.