Special Effects Weather Forecast Shows the Strength of Hurricane Florence

With the arrival of Hurricane Florence on the east coast of the United States, winds of up to 150 km / h should cause flooding in various parts of the region, prompting at least five US states to declare an emergency. Nearly 5 million people are expected to be affected by heavy rains in the coming days, and at least 1.7 million have been ordered to withdraw.

However, even with the use of countless graphs and maps, it can be difficult to accurately demonstrate the level of impact such a storm will have on cities. That's why Weather Channel, the weather forecast pay-television channel, used special effects created with the help of augmented reality company The Future Group to demonstrate the effects of the hurricane. Watch below.

One of the most impressive aspects is how it combines the effects - which were created on Unreal Engine, the graphics engine used in many video games - with the show's host, employing technology known as mixed reality to show the dangers a person may face when water level approaches the 3 meter mark.

In this situation, entire homes will be flooded, cars can be dragged through the streets, and exposed electrical wires pose hazards to those nearby. Despite losing strength - Florence had winds of up to 200 km / h before reaching the United States - local authorities say the situation remains considered "potentially fatal".

Special effects weather forecast shows the strength of Hurricane Florence via TecMundo