Birds are missing from town on Crimea peninsula

The evolutionary process we went through made our bodies develop a great adaptability. The ability to survive in hostile environments where food availability was scarce was essential to our long journey here.

Other species are far more sensitive and, at the slightest sign of change, need to drastically alter their way of life to stay alive. For it seems that this is what happened recently in Crimea, where a city was abandoned by all kinds of birds after something strange appeared in the air.

Natural alarm

In late August this year, an unknown substance appeared in the atmosphere of the city of Armyansk on the Crimean Peninsula, leaving everything with a rust-like layer that gave off an unpleasant odor. As we live in social networking times, it didn't take long for the event to start reverberating on the internet by posting photos showing houses, cars and even plants covered in mysterious substance.

Even with all the records, the authorities denied any kind of problem involving an industrial complex that exists in the region. Along with the formation of this film, the inhabitants realized that there were no more birds in the sky, reinforcing the suspicion that something very wrong was happening.

Some residents began to have breathing problems, but local authorities and the press continued to ignore the situation, always stating that “there is no danger”, “everything is under control” or “pollution levels are within permitted levels”.

For everything there is a limit

However, the problem became untenable on September 4, when authorities could no longer hide the facts and began to evacuate some areas of the city. Although the evictions of people from their homes were underway, officials continued with the discourse that the procedure was being carried out in a preventive manner, as there were no risks for residents of the region.

By September 5, approximately 3, 000 people had left their homes, and it was predicted that 1, 000 more would be displaced in later days. With "preventive" measures being taken, Vladimir Putin sent a special commissioner to the region, at which time the speech was changed.

From there, the government admitted that the industrial complex could be responsible for the problem, treating the emission of chemicals as potentially harmful. In Ukraine, where Crimea belonged until 2014, authorities tested the air and found high concentrations of sulfur dioxide.

The chemical compound is highly polluting and is responsible for acid rain, being carcinogenic and causing serious problems to the respiratory system. The specific reason for the onset of the problem has not yet been disclosed, but it may have all started in an acid lake that exists within the industrial complex, which had its operations temporarily halted.

Given all these facts, Crimean Prime Minister Sergei Aksyonov declared that “nothing threatens the lives and health of citizens. There is no reason to announce an emergency. However, as a precautionary measure, to eliminate all possibilities, we decided to announce two-week holidays in schools and kindergartens. They will be organized by state funds, and an operational headquarters will be created. ” Hard to believe that all is well.


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