Did you burn your tongue? New anesthetic strip can bring immediate relief

"This could be really hot" (Image source: iStock)

“Nothing like a tasty chamomile cup!” Is what everyone thinks when they pick up their cups that are still exuding the delicious aroma released when the herb comes in contact with the hot water. And "Oh, damn it!" Is what everyone says after they realize the water was boiling. But burned mouth is not unique to tea drinkers, because basically everyone who eats hot foods has been through it.

Thinking of a way to make this problem a little less painful, researchers at the University of Austin (Texas, United States) developed a soluble benzocaine strip. Whenever very hot food hurts the mouth (cheeks, tongue or roof of the mouth), it is possible to apply the strip over the burn, providing immediate relief.

Benzocaine is already used in pastes and ointments and acts directly on the wound, anesthetizing the site and reducing the recovery time of the affected region. Although ointments based on it are on the market, the novelty promises to make the application much easier (making the process a lot less ... Gooey. Would you use it?

Source: EurekAlert