Who's good at bed knows all about clitoris - now you'll know too

As the years go by, taboos are sidelined, and unlike your grandmother's time when sex education was far from a freely debated subject, today we have access to everything, absolutely everything we want to know about it. From the weirdness and fetishes to the psychological and anatomical concepts of it, the more you know, the better.

Unfortunately, while information is increasingly available and widespread, female pleasure is sometimes overlooked. Anatomically speaking, men and women are different and therefore enjoy each other in different ways and in different places.

For lack of knowledge or for believing that sex needs to be exactly the same as in pornographic movies, many men do not know how to please the woman who, discouraged or simply afraid of not pleasing, falls into the oldest mistake of all: faking orgasm .

Changing the situation is possible, especially if the man is not concerned only with his own pleasure. Then the thing is really to be interested in the body of the person you're having sex with, and in that sense figuring out what pleases her. In the case of women, there is a spectacularly powerful region called the clitoris. It is about him that you will know more now:

1 - If the idea is to talk about all the structures at once (clitoris, lips and vagina), call it "vulva".

2 - 75% of women experiencing orgasms in their sex need clitoral stimulation

Most do not have orgasms just with penetration. Here's this great tip, guys.

3 - The clitoris is only partially visible.

Artist Sophia Wallace, who recently made a presentation on the subject, says the clitoris should not be called a "dot" but an "iceberg." Its name makes a lot of sense, after all we see only the tip of the organ, which extends inside the vulva and can be the same length as an unrect penis. Proportionally, it is to say that three quarters of the clitoris are "hidden" within the woman's body.

4 - Clitoris increases in size during woman's life

When it's aroused, the organ gets even stiffer, but it's not the size increase we're talking about here. It is known that after menopause the clitoris is up to 2.5 times larger than it was when the woman was in her teens. This has nothing to do, however, with having more or less pleasure.

5 - Clitoris contains 8, 000 nerve endings

Eight thousand, boys. Eight thousand. This means that the region is extremely sensitive to the touch and various stimuli that you are not always willing to give during sexual intercourse, which, let's face it, greatly diminishes the fun of it. Not forgetting the clitoris is critical. And if this issue of 8, 000 nerve endings is not yet clear to you, you know that this number is basically the DOUBLE of what a man has in the glans, which is the "head of the penis." The double.

6 - A Matter of Genital Tissue

When the egg is fertilized and the embryo forms, we are all a kind of asexual human pea. At this stage, when we start forming, our genital tissue is the same. That is: men and women have their sexual organs formed from the same type of tissue.

The genitals begin to turn into vagina or penis when the embryo is 12 weeks old. We can say, then, that penises and clitoris are made of similar materials, but shaped into different "shapes." The clitoris also has a glans and foreskin, and is erect and swollen when the woman is aroused.

Because it is an organ whose bulk of the “body” is inside the woman, some experts believe that the G-spot is a kind of branch of the clitoris itself. Whether or not it may not make a difference. Just know that the G point exists and is a finger away from the vaginal canal entrance.

Now, if the idea is to understand well what is the anatomy of the clitoris, this organ of joy, click here and learn.

7 - The function of the clitoris

If the penis also serves to pee and release the reproductive cells, the clitoris has no other function than to give the woman pleasure. It is not for reproduction, it has nothing to do with the urinary tract or bladder functions. The clitoris, my people, is just to make them see stars.

8 - About the types of orgasms

Many men think of female pleasure from what they understand as pleasure. So boys, let's go to one more important point of the day's class: Women can have more than one type of orgasm. Most get ecstatic with clitoral stimulation, many reach orgasm through penetration, but if there is clitoral stimulation during penetration, the result may be even better.

In the vaginal canal, a short distance of more or less an index finger, is also the G-spot, which when stimulated correctly gives great results. Penetration can trigger cervical orgasm, which is one that does not necessarily happen through G-spot stimulation.

9 - The variation

We are more used to talking about the various sizes and shapes of penises, but the clitoris also changes from woman to woman. Some are more hidden, others are visible. The way women like to be stimulated in the region is not always the same either, so it is crucial to talk to each partner about their preferences. While some women prefer lighter touches, others like more pressure in the region.

10 - Contractions and Duration

While boys have a very brief moment of ecstasy when they are having orgasms, women tend to last a little longer in this regard. First, you need to know that an orgasm can cause up to 16 muscle spasms at one time, so much contraction. Second, be aware that female orgasm can last up to 30 long seconds.

If we talk about multiple orgasms, then it can take even longer. Here's something most men can't even imagine: having one orgasm followed by another. And on the other. And on the other. But it is entirely possible for this to happen to women.

Some scientists have already studied this in depth, and the conclusion is that a woman's smallest orgasm is still larger than a man's largest orgasm. Remember those 8, 000 nerve endings? Yeah. It's their fault.

11 - The Name

The word "clitoris" comes from the Greek word for "key." Here is a good metaphorical possibility: Is this key to female pleasure the solution to more satisfying relationships? Possibly. So guys, it's worth remembering that talking to your partner about her preferences is always a good thing. And if you stop to think, here's a conversation that can end very well.

So what else would you like to know about sex and female pleasure? Comment on the Mega Curious Forum