Who wants to be a millionaire? Meet 9 attitudes of very rich people

No matter what your bank balance is now, chances are you already wondered what you would do if you were a millionaire and could have some extra luxuries. House on the beach, imported car, travel around the world, lunch and dinner at the best restaurants, jewelry, expensive clothes and shoes - these are some of the treats a person with a lot of money can afford. The question is: how to be this person with a lot of money?

Apparently, there is a basic rule unconsciously followed by who is a millionaire: to have a lot of money, you cannot be anyone's employee. This is a logic that has to do with the fact that really ambitious people are willing to take a heavy load to get what they want, but they don't let anyone get in the way. Inc recently shared some habits of people who have managed to get rich - if that's your goal, check out these habits and get inspired:

1 - Instead of making choices, creating choices

It looks the same, but it is not. Many people often analyze situations so that they see themselves from going from point A to point B. The one who creates a point C for himself is usually the one who gets different and bolder results, sometimes meaning money., a lot of money in your pocket.

“Every time you want to make an important decision, there are two possible courses of action. You can look at the matrix of choices as they present themselves, pick the best available option and try to make it fit. Or you can do what the true entrepreneur does: find out what is the best option and then make it available, ”explains Jon Burgstone, entrepreneur and teacher.

2 - Listen to what that voice inside your head is saying

Person A decided to make a second earring hole. Person B decided to spend all the savings he had to spend a year traveling the world. Person C decided to study economics at Harvard. What do these three people have in common? They will all hear tips, criticisms and compliments from the most diverse people.

Among millionaires, there is one thing in common: No other voice is as important as the voice they hear inside their heads. If they decide to do something, they will do it, regardless of what other people might say.

For these creatures so full of determination, the opinion of others means just that: opinion, not decision. This behavior often has an important meaning, that the person in question really believes in his or her own skills, effort and talent - is it amazing or not?

3 - Playing is more important than winning or losing

Rich people know one thing for sure and knowledgeable: Failure is part of the process and succeeding without ever failing is impossible. It does not logically mean that they are people who want to fail, but when they do, they can learn and improve their own strategies. Anything is better than giving up without ever trying.

Rich people often have a desire to win, and usually they do. The secret may be that they prefer to create their own rules so that they can win the game they created themselves - not a game created by and for others.

4 - They like to succeed

Rich people understand one thing without much suffering: Talent is important, but just as fundamental is the ability to work with others, to calm egos, and to make some sacrifices when needed.

This is why rich people can often work well in teams, and instead of seeing only hierarchies, they value the people who are part of their projects.

5 - They are so excited that they don't even need discipline

We often read tips about discipline when it comes to achieving some goal. Discipline, for rich people, is something that does not need to be taught. They know exactly what needs to be done, and even more so, they WANT to do what needs to be done and can't wait for it. The logic is quite simple: the more tasks performed, the more people get closer to their goals.

This is also why rich and successful people end up having fun with the work they do, even when they are performing common tasks. For them, work is fun and capable of delivering great achievements.

6 - They do not look for a job that requires them to follow a routine

Many people work hard to achieve stability, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but these people are unlikely to be millionaires.

Those who work with the intention of accumulating a lot of money, however, do not usually settle for work and earning routines. These are people who are fleeing their comfort zones and are always seeking to reach new goals, so that when they achieve something, they start thinking about what else they can achieve.

7 - They mirror other successful people

Humans who we are, we like to know other people's stories, and in this way we are inspired. With those who have a lot of money, it's no different. For these people, it is critical to know and respect the history of other individuals who have managed to get rich as well.

For successful entrepreneurs, the story of other entrepreneurs who are also successful is seen as motivational and inspiring, as they are sure that more people have achieved great things through hard work and dedication.

8 - They want to be different

Rich people often seek innovation. They know that behind every great success lies the work of someone who has thought of something that had never been done before and said what no one had said before.

9 - They think "why not me?"

This question has a lot to do with the previous one. Just as successful people always look for different motivations and ideas, so too often they don't base their projects on others' failures. If they decide, for example, to open a restaurant in a region where other establishments have already been closed, they often think, "Okay, they couldn't succeed, but why not me?"

Accepting risk is a priority in the life of those who seek to achieve great goals, and self-confidence is critical. Instead of thinking that the failure of others is the gateway to failure itself, these people prefer to believe that with the effort they will make, the result will be different. And guess what? This is usually what happens.

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