Want to learn how NOT to do various things? Check out this YouTube channel

YouTube is a superdemocratic space where people around the world post all kinds of videos. So just browse a little to find clips of your favorite bands, movie trailers, cooking or craft tutorials, miscellaneous lessons, etc. Right here at Mega Curioso you may have watched hundreds of movies, many related to fun explanations, magic tricks, jokes and the like.

However, following this line of “free speech”, there is a YouTube channel called How To Basic, where clips are posted showing how not to do all sorts of things. Basically, this is a crazy man holding a camera in one hand while preparing various crazy things with the other, all of them - whatever they may be - as if they were culinary recipes and almost always involving eggs and a lot of mess.

If you look through the list of videos, you'll find pearls such as how to make a quiche - that the All Hot guys don't see it! - how to make a baby, how to make wine and how to play a keyboard. We have separated for you five bizarre recipes of how not to do some things, which you can check out below:

How NOT to solve a magic cube

How NOT to make fried eggs

How NOT to make an origami

How NOT to change a diaper

How NOT to make Coke