X-rays of Marilyn Monroe go to auction. Do you know how much they cost?

An envelope containing x-rays and some medical notes about actress Marilyn Monroe will go on sale Nov. 9-10 at the Julien's Auctions auction house in California. The Reuters news agency reports that the notes belong to plastic surgeon Michael Gurdin and apparently confirm the suspicion that the actress had had cosmetic surgery.

“No one imagined that Marilyn Monroe would have had plastic surgery. It has always been speculation - has she done it or not? People thought she had a natural beauty, they didn't want to believe it, ”says Martin Nola, CEO of Julien's Auctions.

Thanks to this controversy over the possible changes the movie star could have made to his face and the historical value of the exams, it is estimated that the auction could reach between $ 15, 000 and $ 30, 000, the equivalent of $ 33, 666. reais in today's quotation. But that figure may be even more significant, as three x-rays of the actress's chest were auctioned for $ 45, 000 in 2010.

Image Source: Reproduction / Reuters

More details

The exams to be auctioned are June 7, 1962, the date the actress visited her doctor after suffering a fall. Interestingly, the x-rays were taken two months before Marilyn's death. The radiologist's notes indicate nothing wrong with the star's nose, but recent analysis has identified a small fracture.

In 2010, an autobiography published by plastic surgeon Norman Leaf - who worked closely with Michael Gurdin - reveals that the celebrity would have made a slight nose tip correction at a time when cosmetic surgery was infrequent.

As you can see from the envelope picture, the Hollywood star's medical record bears the name "Joan Newman, " a pseudonym used not to reveal the patient's identity.