Boy dressed as superhero does justice in Balneario Camboriu

A few days ago, a man dressed in Batman handed a thief to the authorities in England, and now it was another superhero's turn to do justice, only this time here in Brazil. According to the Daily Sun, last Tuesday, March 12, a pizza delivery man dressed as Spider-Man retrieved a young woman's purse after stalking and toppling a thief.

The 25-year-old Jucini Luiz works as a delivery boy for a themed pizzeria in Balneário Camboriú, and for six months has dressed up as Spider-Man every night to carry the pizzas. However, Jucini eventually incorporated the character when en route to a delivery found a victim in need of help. After discovering that the girl had just been robbed, the delivery man went in search of the thief.

Real life hero

After chasing the criminal with his motorbike, the motorized Spider-Man knocked the offender off with a kick and beat him with a piece of wood he found thrown in the street - no webs, unfortunately! - With the help of pedestrians to immobilize the suspect. The superhero did not wait for the police to arrive, leaving the scene to continue his official mission: delivering pizzas.

The thief was taken to the police station, charged and arrested, and despite the act of bravery, the authorities stress that robbery victims should never react, as it is difficult to know whether criminals are armed or not. Jucini does not boast of the attitude, simply saying that he went after the criminal for believing that the purse thieves are not dangerous.