Recall 5 of the worst moments in human history

List Verse has listed the most terrible moments in history. Not that this is a good thing to do, but it always serves as a source of knowledge. Check out some of these moments here and learn how they marked all of humanity.

5 - Great Chinese Hunger

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From 1948 to 1952, China suffered from a massive food shortage crisis. The causes related to the disaster are natural diseases and Mao Zedong's communist policies. During this period of suffering, about 45 million Chinese died.

4 - Spanish Flu

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In addition to all the chaos that Europe experienced as a result of World War I, in 1918 many soldiers and civilians began to suffer from influenza virus symptoms. The biggest problems with getting the flu at that time were the lack of information on the subject, the lack of treatments and the diseases that were already affecting the population, such as typhus and quintana fever.

People with the flu began to die from headaches, fever and shortness of breath. The disease began as a common flu, but soon developed into pneumonia, quickly killing its victims.

The Spanish Flu, which became known as a result of the large number of victims in that country, occurred in two moments, the first one in February presenting itself as a mild illness responsible for fever and transient malaise.

In its second phase, the flu took over other parts of the world, becoming deadly. During this period, it is estimated that between 20 and 40 million people have died worldwide.

3 - World War I

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It all started with a dispute between the Austro-Hungarian empire and Serbia, but the conflicts extended to the European powers and finally to the whole world. The great milestone of the beginning of the First World War was the assassination of Francisco Ferdinando, archduke in Sarajevo, in 1914.

Germany led the group known as the Triple Alliance, which confronted the French-led Triple War Entente in 1918. The balance of the conflict was the death of more than 8 million soldiers and 6.5 million civilians.

2 - The Holodomor

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That is the Ukrainian word for death caused by famine. And that's what happened in that country between 1932 and 1933. There, the genocide for lack of food was forced by Josef Stalin when Ukraine was not an independent country and was still part of Russia. The estimated death toll reaches 12 million. Hunger is considered one of the worst means of death, and during the Holodomor, victims even ate their own feet.

1 - WWII

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There is a big name that will never be forgotten when it comes to World War II: Adolf Hitler, the best known Nazi in the world. From prisoner to national leader, Hitler succeeded in corrupting the minds of an entire country, so that all declared their hatred of the Jews.

The hunger for power was not unique to Hitler, but also to other bloodthirsty leaders like Benito Mussolini, in charge of Italy. In addition to this thirst for dominance, there was also the financial crisis the two countries were going through. The creation of war industries in these nations eased financial problems and instituted a willingness to make war. Meanwhile, Japan also intended to expand its territory.

With the union of the three countries, the war began in 1939, with the formation of two groups: the Allies, commanded by the United Kingdom, the USSR, France and the USA; and the Axis, with the three already mentioned Germany, Italy and Japan.

The conflicts ended only in 1945, with the defeat of Germany and Italy and the fall of atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. This battle cost the lives of nearly 60 million people.