MRI won't let you lie to age

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If you are one of those people who does not reveal true age at all, then it is best to take good care of your head so that you do not have to have an MRI scan. According to a story published by c | net, a group of researchers found that it is possible to determine someone's age quite accurately through these exams.

According to the researchers, they have been able to unravel a kind of "developmental clock" in the human brain that shows the stages of biological maturation and captures age differences very well. So much so that scientists can determine until the years, instead of just intervals, like "between 15 and 25 years", for example.

Lie Age Detector

The researchers evaluated the magnetic resonances of 885 individuals aged 3 to 20 years, identifying 231 biomarkers that, when analyzed together, allowed the age of participants to be determined with more than 92% accuracy. This method is the one with the highest number of hits so far.

The challenge now is to see if MRI is also effective in determining the age of people over the age of 20, although research can help us understand how our brains reflect our age - and don't let us lie about it!

Sources: Current Biology ec | net